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Dear Medicos,
This site contains a comprehensive list of medical PG entrance questions asked in various PG entrance examination throughout India like AIIMS, AIPGEE, PGI CHANDIGARH, JIPMER, CMC VELLORE .... and various state entrance exams like KERALA, TAMIL NADU, KARNATAKA, DELHI .... and also private entrances like COMEDK, MANIPAL etc...



Causes of Endocrine Dysfunction

Type of Endocrine DisorderExamples
A) Hyperfunction  
1. Neoplastic 
        BenignPituitary adenomas, hyperparathyroidism, autonomous thyroid or adrenal nodules, pheochromocytoma
        MalignantAdrenal cancer, medullary thyroid cancer, carcinoid
        EctopicEctopic ACTH, SIADH secretion
        Multiple endocrine neoplasiaMEN 1, MEN 2
2. AutoimmuneGraves' disease
3. IatrogenicCushing's syndrome, hypoglycemia
Subacute thyroiditis
5. Activating receptor mutationsLH, TSH, Ca2+ and PTH receptors, Gs-alpha

B) Hypofunction  
  AutoimmuneHashimoto's thyroiditis, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addison's disease, polyglandular failure
  IatrogenicRadiation-induced hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, surgical
  Infectious/inflammatoryAdrenal insufficiency, hypothalamic sarcoidosis
  Hormone mutationsGH, LH, FSH, vasopressin
  Enzyme defects21-Hydroxylase deficiency
  Developmental defectsKallmann syndrome, Turner syndrome, transcription factors
  Nutritional/vitamin deficiencyVitamin D deficiency, iodine deficiency
  Hemorrhage/infarctionSheehan's syndrome, adrenal insufficiency

C) Hormone resistance  
  Receptor mutations 
    MembraneGH, vasopressin, LH, FSH, ACTH, GnRH, GHRH, PTH, leptin, Ca2+
    NuclearAR, TR, VDR, ER, GR, PPAR-alpha
  Signaling pathway mutationsAlbright's hereditary osteodystrophy
  PostreceptorType 2 diabetes mellitus, leptin resistance

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