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Dear Medicos,
This site contains a comprehensive list of medical PG entrance questions asked in various PG entrance examination throughout India like AIIMS, AIPGEE, PGI CHANDIGARH, JIPMER, CMC VELLORE .... and various state entrance exams like KERALA, TAMIL NADU, KARNATAKA, DELHI .... and also private entrances like COMEDK, MANIPAL etc...



Cutis marmorata

When a newborn infant is exposed to low environmental temperatures, an evanescent, lacy, reticulated red and/or blue cutaneous vascular pattern appears over most of the body surface. This vascular change represents an accentuated physiologic vasomotor response that disappears with increasing age, although it is sometimes discernible even in older children.
Persistent and pronounced cutis marmorata occurs in Menke's diseasefamilial dysautonomiaCornelia de Langetrisomy 13 and trisomy 18 syndromes.
Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita is clinically similar, but the lesions are more intense, may be segmental, are persistent, and may be associated with loss of dermal tissue, epidermal atrophy and ulceration.

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