Receptors for hormones are divided into two major classes: membrane and nuclear.
1. Membrane receptors primarily bind peptide hormones and catecholamines.
2. Nuclear receptors bind small molecules that can diffuse across the cell membrane, such as steroids and vitamin D.
Certain general principles apply to hormone-receptor interactions regardless of the class of receptor. Hormones bind to receptors with specificity and an affinity that generally coincides with the dynamic range of circulating hormone concentrations. Low concentrations of free hormone (usually 1012 to 109M) rapidly associate and dissociate from receptors in a bimolecular reaction such that the occupancy of the receptor at any given moment is a function of hormone concentration and the receptor's affinity for the hormone. Receptor numbers vary greatly in different target tissues, providing one of the major determinants of specific cellular responses to circulating hormones. For example, ACTH receptors are located almost exclusively in the adrenal cortex, and FSH receptors are found predominantely in the gonads. In contrast, insulin and TRs are widely distributed, reflecting the need for metabolic responses in all tissues.
Membrane Receptors
Membrane receptors for hormones can be divided into several major groups:
(1) seven transmembrane GPCRs
(2) tyrosine kinase receptors
(3) cytokine receptors
(4) serine kinase receptors .
The seven transmembrane GPCR family binds a remarkable array of hormones, including large proteins (e.g., LH, PTH), small peptides (e.g., TRH, somatostatin), catecholamines (epinephrine, dopamine), and even minerals (e.g., calcium). The extracellular domains of GPCRs vary widely in size and are the major binding site for large hormones. The transmembrane- spanning regions are composed of hydrophobic alpha-helical domains that traverse the lipid bilayer. Like some channels, these domains are thought to circularize and form a hydrophobic pocket into which certain small ligands fit. Hormone binding induces conformational changes in these domains, transducing structural changes to the intracellular domain, which is a docking site for G proteins.
The alpha subunit contains the guanine nucleotide–binding site and hydrolyzes GTP to GDP. The beta-gamma subunits are tightly associated and modulate the activity of the alpha subunit as well as mediating their own effector signaling pathways. G protein activity is regulated by a cycle that involves GTP hydrolysis and dynamic interactions between the subunits.
The GH and PRL receptors belong to the cytokine receptor family. Analogous to the tyrosine kinase receptors, ligand binding induces receptor interaction with intracellular kinases—the Janus kinases (JAKs), which phosphorylate members of the signal transduction and activators of transcription (STAT) family—as well as with other signaling pathways (Ras, PI3-K, MAPK). The activated STAT proteins translocate to the nucleus and stimulate expression of target genes.
The serine kinase receptors mediate the actions of activins, transforming growth factor beta, müllerian-inhibiting substance (MIS, also known as anti-müllerian hormone, AMH), and bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs). This family of receptors (consisting of type I and II subunits) signals through proteins termed smads (fusion of terms for Caenorhabditis elegans sma + mammalian mad). Like the STAT proteins, the smads serve a dual role of transducing the receptor signal and acting as transcription factors. The pleomorphic actions of these growth factors dictate that they act primarily in a local (paracrine or autocrine) manner. Binding proteins such as follistatin (which binds activin and other members of this family) function to inactivate the growth factors and restrict their distribution.
Nuclear Receptors
The family of nuclear receptors has grown to nearly 100 members, many of which are still classified as orphan receptors because their ligands, if they exist, have not been identified . Otherwise, most nuclear receptors are classified on the basis of the nature of their ligands. Though all nuclear receptors ultimately act to increase or decrease gene transcription, some (e.g., glucocorticoid receptor) reside primarily in the cytoplasm, whereas others (e.g., thyroid hormone receptor) are always located in the nucleus. After ligand binding, the cytoplasmically localized receptors translocate to the nucleus. There is growing evidence that certain nuclear receptors (e.g., glucocorticoid, estrogen) can also act at the membrane or in the cytoplasm to activate or repress signal transduction pathways, providing a mechanism for cross-talk between membrane and nuclear receptors.
The structures of nuclear receptors have been studied extensively, including by x-ray crystallography. The DNA binding domain, consisting of two zinc fingers, contacts specific DNA recognition sequences in target genes. Most nuclear receptors bind to DNA as dimers. Consequently, each monomer recognizes an individual DNA motif, referred to as a "half-site." The steroid receptors, including the glucocorticoid, estrogen, progesterone, and androgen receptors, bind to DNA as homodimers. Consistent with this twofold symmetry, their DNA recognition half-sites are palindromic. The thyroid, retinoid, peroxisome proliferator activated, and vitamin D receptors bind to DNA preferentially as heterodimers in combination with retinoid X receptors (RXRs). Their DNA half-sites are arranged as direct repeats.
The carboxy-terminal hormone-binding domain mediates transcriptional control. For type II receptors such as thyroid hormone receptor (TR) and retinoic acid receptor (RAR), co-repressor proteins bind to the receptor in the absence of ligand and silence gene transcription. Hormone binding induces conformational changes, triggering the release of co-repressors and inducing the recruitment of coactivators that stimulate transcription. Thus, these receptors are capable of mediating dramatic changes in the level of gene activity. Certain disease states are associated with defective regulation of these events. For example, mutations in the TR prevent co-repressor dissociation, resulting in a dominant form of hormone resistance . In promyelocytic leukemia, fusion of RARalpha to other nuclear proteins causes aberrant gene silencing and prevents normal cellular differentiation. Treatment with retinoic acid reverses this repression and allows cellular differentiation and apoptosis to occur. Most type 1 steroid receptors interact weakly with co-repressors, but ligand binding still induces interactions with an array of coactivators. X-ray crystallography shows that various SERMs induce distinct estrogen receptor conformations. The tissue-specific responses caused by these agents in breast, bone, and uterus appear to reflect distinct interactions with coactivators.
(1) recruitment of enzymes (histone acetyl transferases) that modify chromatin structure
(2) interactions with additional transcription factors on the target gene
(3) direct interactions with components of the general transcription apparatus to enhance the rate of RNA polymerase II–mediated transcription.
Studies of nuclear receptor-mediated transcription show that these are dynamic events that involve relatively rapid (e.g., 30–60 min) cycling of transcription complexes on any specific target gene.
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